CentOS and Newer Versions of Python
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
When working on Python development locally on my Arch machine, I am generally either working on Python 3.7 or 3.8. This is usually not an issue since Lambda natively supports Python 3.7. However, on CentOS 7 and 8 the latest version of Python available is 3.6. In order to sanely get Python 3.7 on CentOS I wrote the following little playbook that uses Pyenv to install the version of Python I need on the servers. …
Testing Ansible AWX/Tower roles
Friday, September 21, 2018
As I continue to push forward the use of AWX in our infrastructure, there is continued need to test what we are producing. Much like any other kind of development, sometimes we need a local environment to test something. This came up recently for me in AWX because I was testing a role that modified the AWS Task container in order to provide enhanced functionality. I wrote the following little shell provisioner that gets AWX up and running quickly for testing. …
Using Nginx in front of AWX for SSL
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
I’ve got AWX deployed in production currently. Obviously for production, you need to SSL for authentication. Since AWX doesn’t offer this currently, and I’m not paying $20/month just for a ELB for this, I decided to slap Nginx in front of the containers to proxy SSL. This ended up being a larger pain than I expected because of the websockets. Finally got it figured out and wanted to post my nginx config for anyone else trying to do the same thing. …
docker-py deprecated in favor of docker
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Just a quick note that the Python module docker-py has been deprecated in favor of docker. I run a few Ansible hosts that run Docker containers for various reasons and recently they started to fail during their Ansible runs. Turns out that docker-py now fails during said runs. After some searching I found that this module hasn’t been updated in a very long time, and has been deprecated in favor of the docker module instead. I wrote the following small Ansible task to fix this on my machines. …
Unifi Controller on a Pi with Ansible
Monday, July 16, 2018
I recently moved into a new house (yay!) and had to get my network up and running again. I have been running a full Unifi setup for almost a year now and have been very happy with it. Originally I was running the Unifi controller in a container with the rest of my containerized set up. This was fine, until I moved and needed to have access to the controller, and the network, but didn’t have the entirety of my server infrastructure up and running. Enter the Pi! …